Shopping in Seaside Florida
We just returned from a wonderful week's vacation in one of our favorite places, Seaside, Florida. If you're looking for an idyllic beach vacation, this is the place. Although it's grown over the last decade, the charm of this little village is always inspiring. It felt like I had it all to myself one morning when I set out for a long walk after a rain storm had cooled things down for a bit.
A quick visit to The Seaside Chapel and it's lovely architecture, then through Quincy Circle.

The perfect seaside style of Pizits Home & Cottage. Love the slipcovers and coastal art here.

Another sidewalk gallery.

Curiosities and necessities at The Art of Simple.

This anchor silhouette woven rug would be an easy DIY with lots of options.

The shops and galleries in Seaside have inspired me for years. Before the boys were born I visited a garden shop in the neighboring village of Seagrove called Pickets. The cement floor of the shop was painted in a diamond pattern. This was before we were all plugged into Pinterest and Facebook and I hadn't seen a floor painted like that before. I fell in love with that floor and went home and ripped up the carpet in our guest room, painted the cement floor with porch paint and turned the room into a crafting studio. About ten minutes later I got pregnant with twins. The carpet went back down and the room was changed back to a guest room because when you have twins, you need guests to come hold babies for you!
They now love Seaside as much as my husband and I do and our family has made many years of great memories there.