Me & Country Living
How many of you grew up with a copy of Country Living on your coffee table? My mom is a decorator so we had stacks and baskets full of past issues in the living room, the bathroom, guest rooms and even in her van. We saved the issues for years!
I still subscribe and love that they feature homes that I can not only dream about but offer content that I can relate to in my own home. Inspiration that's actually attainable. Love this farmhouse feature in the current issue:

I still subscribe and love that they feature homes that I can not only dream about but offer content that I can relate to in my own home. Inspiration that's actually attainable. Love this farmhouse feature in the current issue:

Now here's the "me" part of this post; I'm packing my bags and car with props and headed to Dallas to assist superstar stylist and Country Living contributor, Heather Bullard, on a Country Living photoshoot!!! yep.....let it soak in.....are you freaking out? because I am!
I'm so excited to be a part of this. As a first time assistant I'll be doing prep work and prop wrangling, but mostly I'm praying I don't trip and knock over a camera!
Overwhelming full circle moment. I hope to post a few behind the scenes shots on my Instagram feed (now on the web in addition to your phone app) and Facebook.
Wish me luck! Dallas, here I come!
Wish me luck! Dallas, here I come!